How do you know when an annual event has run its course? When a joke told by AlGore is the highlight of the night.
AlGore was invited to the MTV Music Awards to speak evidentally. He's about the last person you would expect on such an awards show known for always being a headline getter that would give Howard Stern a run for his money. Nekesa Mumbia Moody describes what the awrds usually are pretty well by saying "Fans watch for the FCC-flaunting skits, nearly naked starlets, foul-mouthed speeches and those embarrassingly bad dance numbers."
So what did AlGore decide to do for his big moment on the stage? He gave a lecture on global warming! Yeah, this is what the teenagers and twenty-somethings that watch this award show are wanting to see.
But here's the worst part, apparently the below oneliner from AlGore was the highpoint of the night:
"I actually was not intending to be here tonight, but then MTV explained that Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back." - AP News ArticleTags: AlGore, Democrat, Environmentalists, Global Warming, Moonbats, MTV, Politics